Is Vaginal odor normal during pregnancy?
Even though it can be embarrassing, vaginal odor is actually quite normal during pregnancy. Over 65% of women have smelly
vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
What causes vaginal smell during pregnancy?
There are a variety of reasons why you may experience vaginal odor during pregnancy.
A yeast infection is caused by the excessive multiplication of naturally occurring fungus in the vagina. This causes itchiness and a discharge
with a smelly odor. And bacterial vagina is the most common vaginal infection in pregnant women and is caused by an imbalance
of bacteria living in your vagina. You can reduce your chances of getting bacterial vagina by practicing safe sex,
not smoking, and not douching.
Dietary changes:
Dietary changes during pregnancy are also one of the causes of a smelly vagina during pregnancy. Spicy foods, garlic, and onion
could be the cause of your unpleasant smell.
Hormonal changes:
Your body is going through massive hormonal changes. There is a sudden increase in the production of the two hormones progesterone
and estrogen. These hormonal changes can increase vaginal discharge and make it smelly.
Poor hygiene:
Wearing tight clothes, sprays, using chemical-based products, and wipes, and not bathing for several days could also lead to vaginal odor.
How to get rid of vaginal odor while pregnant
Vaginal odor can be treated and prevented in the following ways.
Stay clean and dry:
Avoid tight, synthetic clothing that does not absorb sweat and dampens the area. Instead, go for cotton panties and loose trousers.
Shower more frequently and clean the vagina with lukewarm water. You can also use a mild soap or a feminine
hygiene wash if prescribed by a doctor.
Stay away from cosmetics:
Avoid using cosmetics like scented feminine sprays, wipes, and soaps. It is better to avoid these during pregnancy to prevent odor.
Focus on diet:
Include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid eating spicy foods or food containing excess garlic.
Switch to cotton underwear:
Ditch the synthetic underwear and opt for cotton. Wearing soft cotton underwear will allow the skin down there to
breadth well and absorb the excess sweat.
When should you see a doctor?
Vaginal odor is completely normal during pregnancy. But if you notice an abnormal odor, itching, burning, redness, and painful urination,
it is time to visit a doctor.